Amazon Strength

Monday, May 22, 2006


I was doing great in my Amazon Training and sometime around when the rain started coming everyday, my exercises petered out and the numbers on the scale started to climb.
Now after these weeks off I feel like I was never in shape in the first place. I have to start from scratch. My goal now is to dedicate at least half an hour everyday to exercise. Today I started out with yoga. And I might run with Ryan after work. At least by dedicating some time in the morning, I have accomplished something. ANd If I go for a run, then that is an added bonus.
Since I stopped being on a health kick my head has hurt everyday and my body is crying for me to love it again. Last night I watched Desperate Housewives Season Finale and ate cream puffs. Now its time to substitute cream puffs for dried fruit and stretch while I am watching TV.


  • At 12:28 PM, Blogger Amazon Alanna said…

    I'm with you on the getting back to the Amazon training. I've done great with the weight training, and it's really beginning to show. But I've really waned on the running bit. For a while there, I was running 3 times a week and there was still snow on the ground (this was pre-Amazon Strength). Allergy season put me inside on a crosstrainer, but really, it's about time to get outside again....I mean really.

  • At 12:28 AM, Blogger Askazombiehousewife said…

    I have ADHD and often have to change what do with Exercise or I end up not doing anything.


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