Amazon Strength

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Aaaaaw, maaaaaan

You think a girl would learn. I officially declare it out loud, in writing, on a public blog that Panera Bread is the enemy. I've eaten there twice in my life and let me tell you, sister...I got screwed both times. Sadly, by the same sandwich: The Portabella and mozzarella Panini....heavenly, divine, 17 friggin' Weight Watchers points.

I think I need to make that more clear. 17. Friggin'. Weight Watchers. Points. Points that I will never see again. Points that I didn't even have. I had 10 flexies left in my core week. I am dead. Dead, I tell you. Gah!

I don't even know what to do with myself I am so flabbergasted. I think I might try to recoup my losses and be as strict as possible for the rest of the week with out going so strict that I explode into a binging frenzy. (If only my frenzies were exercise related.....ahhhhh, one can dream!)

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Iportion Tip

On Iportion's blog I was given the challenge of putting a tip on my here's my Amazon tip o' the day:

If you can't fit in 30 minutes of cardio at one time, you can break it up into 3-10 minute mini session...walk up a few flights of stairs at work...take a few brisk walks during the day. It all adds up!

I'm not feeling it

I'm not feeling the Amazon within these days. It's very sad. I've got to get up off my butt and get to the gym. I don't have to do everything, I just have to do something! I can't even seem to get outside for a walk that lasts more than 5 minutes. Gah!

Are there any lurkers out there that can help me get out of this stubborn rut?

Monday, August 07, 2006

Amazon Sleeping Sickness

I'm sorry to say that I wasn't around this past weekend, Amazon Hil. I was in too many places in too short of a time period. If you're daring, you can read about it here.

My Amazon-ness is taking a slow turn for the worst. I have been so crazy busy that I have not gone to the gym except to bring stuff to Chris while he's working.

We need an Amazon Pact! But not until I'm done with this week long class I'm taking. It's a ton of work and it's only day one!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

I'm still here

I just wanted to write to let you know that I have not forgotten our blogs and that I am still here. I am practically done with my first semester. ANd that paper on Interventions for children with autism got a good grade. I got a 14.5 out of 15. Not too shabby! I got .5 off only because of some rules of APA citing that I didn't do properly. Not because of the context of the paper, so that's cool.
Amazon training has taken a plunge, although surprisingly the scale is reading lower than ever! That might just be because all that dense muscle is oozing into lighter softer blubber that doesn't weigh as much. Anyhow, I would like to get a merlot and chat. Are you around this weekend?