Amazon Strength

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Not very Zen

Recently, I've been thinking about the rest and relaxation yoga class that I used to attend on Friday nights at my gym. I used to tell people that class was the only reason I survived working in the Bronx Public School system. I miss that class. I miss the total relaxation of of that class. The peaceful sleep that washed over me in the evening after that class. The calm feeling the class provided me with that lasted at least until Wednesday of the following week.

So, the big question is: Why can't I seem to get my behind back into that class? I have no excuse...except maybe that the class is at a weird time, but hey, I could actually deal with that if I had to.

I need a yoga-minded drill sergeant to kick my arse back into that class!

Monday, May 22, 2006


I was doing great in my Amazon Training and sometime around when the rain started coming everyday, my exercises petered out and the numbers on the scale started to climb.
Now after these weeks off I feel like I was never in shape in the first place. I have to start from scratch. My goal now is to dedicate at least half an hour everyday to exercise. Today I started out with yoga. And I might run with Ryan after work. At least by dedicating some time in the morning, I have accomplished something. ANd If I go for a run, then that is an added bonus.
Since I stopped being on a health kick my head has hurt everyday and my body is crying for me to love it again. Last night I watched Desperate Housewives Season Finale and ate cream puffs. Now its time to substitute cream puffs for dried fruit and stretch while I am watching TV.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

A brief interruption

Last night while my mom and I were lifting weights, I got a wicked headache in my left temple. I thought I was going to die. Did I weenie out and stop? No way, Jose! I kept going and pushing and I made my head ache worse. Aren't I the smartest person ever? Well, yes and no. I did decide to skip spinning, which would have raised my heart rate considerably and possibly made my head explode, literally.

The spin bike pic I posted here is actually the same model my gym has. It's awesome. So much better than the old ones. The seat has more range of motion forward and back with millimeter increment, instead of plugs an inch from one another. It makes for a very exact fit. I really like that.

Thursday, May 11, 2006


I now have a myriad of new excuses for why I am not able to run outside:

  • I am boogerific. For those of you who are blessed and do not have allergies, you may not know what it is like to be boogerific. It is the state of being in which your cranium has a very high mucus to brain ratio. I think mine is currently 3:1...Mucus is winning.
  • The pollen in the air is giving me a rash on my face. If I don't look good at the end, it ain't happening.
  • I am way too tired from work. The teens on my campus (think alternative high school) are extra cranky and work resistant due to spring fever. I think they might even be in heat, but I'm not going to do any studies to follow up on that statement, so don't ask.
  • I am obsessed with World of Warcraft. I must get my character past sergeant! I've been playing most evenings for at least 45 minutes and doing battlegrounds whenever I can. I need to kill those stupid Alliance characters and build honor within my army, but I digress. (And I'm going to play when I get home tonight!)
  • I need, need, need new running shoes. Like now. I have not one dime to put towards this for another couple of weeks.

If, on the off chance I develop more excuses as to why I am not running outside, I will surely keep you all updated!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Behind the Scenes

Yes, I have not been blogging as much as I should lately. I think it's because of my fear of lackluster blogging. I have no triathlons to train for. I'm not really running outside because of all the stinkin' pollen. All I've really been doing is weight training. That's not all that much to talk about.....

I am getting stronger, though. I'm seeing occasional changes in my body.

I've got to get on the ball with the running. Then I'll have lots to post about!


I ran the Literacy 5k on Sunday and posted my BEST TIME EVER!!!! My time was 26:47 (or something close to that, I have yet to check the official results), but it was DEFINATELY in the 26's. I told Ryan from now on I am going to try to run my age or better.
I think doing speed exercises with Ryan helped me to run a good time. Because I am used to the feeling of pushing myself and so it's not scary. I just kept thinking, this is like a speed workout and I survive those. Awwww, this is killing me, but I remember this feeling and I remember it going away. I know that I can do this. I just kept talking to myself like that and really pushing myself. After the initial pang of death, IT WAS GREAT!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 01, 2006


GUESS WHAT!!!! I ran this 5k and got my 2nd best time EVER!!!
I ran 29:20! I am super proud to have broke that 1/2 hour mark!!!
The trick was running next to a woman who was obviously faster and fitter than me. It made me push myself. Without her I would have ran slower to avoid that feeling of your chest imploding! But what I realize now, is that chest implosion means your about to break your usual time...and that ROCKS!!!!!