Amazon Strength

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Say what?

I am the first person to be uninvited to a wedding in the history of the world. I'm not at liberty to discuss this in detail. I have made mention of it on my other blog: here. If things settle out the way I'm hoping they will, I might share the sorted, bizarro, story with all of you during an evening of imbibing. (Makes me think of the TLC commercials about life lessons: Merlot and email don't mix)

Anyway, I have done a whole lot of nothin' in the way of training, becoming Amazon strong, or even driving any where close to the gym. I have been L-A-Z-Y, and frankly, I ain't got no alibi.

I have the day off tomorrow, so I'm hoping to get some restful sleep, get in a decent (for me) run, and treat myself to a yoga class at the gym tomorrow night. I need the exercise, but I desperately need the stress release as well.

Here's to beginning again!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Couldn't I just rub some cream on it?

I went to the dermatologist today for a little hanging thing on my eye lid that I was lid would probably be nothing and would just need a little cream or a little snip. I'm smart, I should have realized that a diagnosis over the phone from the receptionist probably wouldn't be accurate. Turns out that I had a small cyst on my eyelid and that if he didn't burn it off, it would keep growing and possible become infected.

That's right, he said those words: BURN IT OFF

I have a recommendation for all of you out there in blogland. If you can avoid having any sort of needle stuck into your eyelid, run away as fast as you can. It is incredibly painful, not to mention your natural reflex is to twitch out, and tear up. Also, when your doctor tells you to close your eyes as he's prepping the needle, do it. Long needles that are intended for you eyelid should be kept secret.

The swelling has gone down significantly, plus the fact that I have to rinse my eye with an eye cup every 15 minutes, so there is less blood in the area.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

It won't be long 'til I'm Amazon Strong

I just made that up, but I think it's going to be my new mantra. I ran on my birthday despite crazy temperature that just kept rising and rising. (I was smart and went in the morning before things got too bad). I'm hoping that the weather is going to get a little cooler in the next couple of days so that I can run again. I just can not run outside, in the afternoon after work, when it's over 93 degrees out. I would get up early to run, but I'm lazy...that and the humidity makes it feel like it's 90 degrees out. No go there, either.

I've got to get my gym routine back into full swing. I've got to get the running thing back into full swing. I've got a ton to do, and less time that I thought I would have considering it's summer. My parents are away on vacation, so I've been working my mom's hours down at the yacht club she manages. Plus, I had to fill in some snack bar hours on my last day off. I'm not lyin', it was at least 109 degrees in there on Monday. I thought I was going to get heat stroke. Thank goodness the pool wasn't crowded so I got to jump into the pool a couple of time before things go to awful!

As for training, I've got to make a better plan and actually stick to it.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


All work and no play makes AMAZONHIL a dull girl.
My one professor is a total amazon, it must come with the literacy territory. Although, she's special ed actually.
Anyhow, I have gotten in some runs and I am going to try to join the moms for soccer this wednesday. My calves are killing me from running two days in a row, even though they were only 20 minutes runs. It's so much harder to run in this heat. ANd I have fallen so far off the wagon it's hard getting back on. It's like a mount everest climb getting back on that wagon. I did yoga and pilates this week as well. But that's only two days so I can't brag yet. Not until I keep it up for a few weeks. There's a race I want to do this weekend but it conflicts with a huge MExican Wedding that I am invited to. The race is the Indian Ladder Trail run at Thatcher Park, nice venue.
I was getting slim, I saw the 130s!!!!!! And it was great. I was so proud of myself, and I rewarded myself by not excercising and not eating salads. And now that number is a distant memory, but I am working my way back to it. I love my thighs so much more in the 130s. And I was sticking to a half marathon training plan, and I don't know what happened. I just stopped. Now I am trying to start again. I want to do the Schroon Lake Half Marathon in September. That would be cool. Any tri's you want to do Alanna? I haven't got any yet!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Back, with a vengeance!

I'm back, after a week or two of class, puking and back troubles, I made it back to the gym for a half hour of light cardo. Okay, so 30 minutes of cardio may not be vengeful, but you gotta wade back into these things...especially with the way my back felt yesterday!

I'm trying to decide what kind of workout I'm going to do tomorrow. I've got other things already on my plate. For example, I'd like to take my dog for a swim. For him, swim=fun. For me swim=an easy way to give him the "bath of shame"...once he's out of the river, he's to tired to fight the hose.

I think I might also get a haircut. It's about time. I've been putting off for about 8 months now. Pretty sad.

I know Amazon Hil is around here somewhere, but she recently started a MPS in Literacy, so I think her Amazon training time has been decreased. Let's just cross our fingers for her and hope that she can get some runs in!